I’ve been nominated for a Liebster Award!

An Award?! For ME?!

Well Howdy!

 I’m excited to say that I was nominated for the Liebstar award by Diana from thedianadiaries! Here are the rules:

  • You have to link back to the person that nominated you.
  • You must answer all 11 questions given to you by the person who nominated you.
  • After completing these questions you must nominate 11 bloggers with under 200 followers and give them 11 questions of your choice.
  • You must not nominate the person who nominated you.

You must let your nominees know that they have been nominated and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it.

The Questions I Have Been Asked to Answer: 

  1. What are three words you would use to describe yourself? Awkward, Dreamer, Unlucky
  2. Would you rather be a mermaid or a unicorn? Unicorn! Because we all know that Unicorn’s have awesome super powers of sustaining life and their blood is silver and GLITTER!
  3. What was your favorite movie/book as a kid? Well as a self-proclaimed nerd, I don’t know that I could really pick a favorite childhood book. I was a huge Beverly Cleary fan, loved me some Boxcar Kids, as a small tyke I really liked those “Carl” books. I’m not actually sure what they were REALLY called, but they were these gorgeous illustrations about this Black Lab named Carl, and there weren’t any words except like on the last page there would be maybe a short sentence or something. I can picture the Christmas one so clearly in my head…. I just always called them “Carl” books so I’m not sure what they really are called.
  4. If you could learn a new language, which one would it be? Ummmm, any language that SOUNDS really cool? That’s a pretty bad answer, but like I would like to learn a language that I could speak and sound really smart or cultured? This makes me appear to be a terrible person.
  5. Sun or Rain? Rain. All the more reason to stay inside and cuddle up with a book and some tea!
  6. What is your zodiac sign? And do you really believe in horoscopes? I am a Pisces and I super do NOT believe in horoscopes because everything I’ve ever read about Pisces is always “You are so creative and great at art and expressive and SO GOOD AT ART.” And anyone who has seen my “art” can attest that I’m not even a little bit good at art. So no.
  7. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Definitely a morning person, waking up late feels like I’ve wasted my day.
  8. What do you enjoy the most, watching movies or reading books?   I feel pretty confident that if you even know me a little bit or even not at all you know that the answer is clearly, undoubtedly reading books.
  9. What are three things in your life that you can’t live without? My planner, my dog, and caffeine.
  10. Would you rather be alone or with someone who you don’t really love? Alone, but then again I AM a loner…. Possibly a future recluse
  11. What is/are, according to you, the most annoying personality traits? I guess the most annoying personality trait to me is narcissism? Which by that I mean those people who feel the need to make every single conversation/situation/problem about themselves, like if I were to say “Hey I’ve developed an addiction to heroin!*” this person would be, “Well that is really hard on me because of this completely unrelated situation that I will now talk about for 10 hours and I will not acknowledge anything you said ever again.” Also co-morbid with being a “one-upper.” (which also drives me crazy).  *Disclaimer – I’m not addicted to heroin.

OK! So I realize that I mainly talked about books in those answers… so I’m officially an awesome loser (sorry not sorry) but now I have to think of questions and this is stressful! Oh No! BUT FIRST! I shall nominate:

Rantings from Inside My Head

Something Clever…

Viciously Sweet


I’ll try and think of more later, my brain is broken. BUT HERE ARE MY THRILLING QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED BY THOSE WHO CHOOSE TO ACCEPT 😛

  • What was the last picture you took on your phone? Was it a selfie? (I may be judging you….)
  • Any current “bad habits” or habits that took forever to get rid of ? i.e. nail biting?
  • What actor/actress would be the best “you” in the biographical movie of your life?
  • If you had to pick a television show to be your life, what would it be?
  • What was the last movie you saw? Was it worth it? (Review unnecessary, but appreciated)
  • Have you ever been a participant in a food fight?
  • Is there a particular word that literally makes you want to die when you hear it? (ex. moist UGH EW)
  • What has been your favorite class out of all the classes you have ever been in?
  • Have you ever met anyone famous??
  • What is the corniest joke you know?
  • What is the best compliment you have ever received?

Off you go! Now I can’t stop thinking of really weird questions….. I’m enjoying that part WAY more than I had anticipated…. 

I just really enjoy leaving notes

I really like writing notes to people. And to myself actually… (weird). I actually wrote myself a note today in my car, giving myself an A+ for putting my jeans in the laundry while completely forgetting that a mere 10 minutes earlier I had just placed this weeks babysitting money in the back pocket. Sigh. I am particularly fond of a well placed Post – It full of wit and snark as a (hopefully pleasant?) little surprise for someone. And perhaps they do not understand the genius that is in the note, but I think I’m hilarious so who cares.

I thought of this because I am CONSTANTLY leaving notes for my parents reminding them that we STILL DO HAVE AN ANSWERING MACHINE and in the .05% chance that a non-telemarketer has called and left an important/relevant message, maybe they should umm take a listen. This is actually a fairly involved process. I’m the only one who ever checks the answering machine, because as noted above, no one seems to remember that we have that. So I hear all the messages meant for my parents and then I promptly start the process of hoping that sometime in the next 24 – 48 hours one of them figures out there is a message on the answering machine. It takes about four neon Post It’s on the ACTUAL phone/answering machine, and several leading arrows or reminders that will point them to the note covered phone which MAYBE they will read and perhaps understand a message is on the machine.

But I don’t leave normal message notes. I don’t say who called, or what there number is or really anything relevant at all. This is the  note I just left for my father:

FATHER: A person has called. They want to talk to you. BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING

please remember that your decreased work ethic is the reason

we may soon be living off food stamps and under a bridge somewhere.

If you need an agent for negotiation I am available. 

You may notice this note gives pretty much no useful information. But I love it. I think it’s great, and if he ever finds his way to the phone to listen to that message, I will just laugh alone at myself and my brilliance that no one else understands. This is probably part of the reason people think I’m insane……….


Thank you Schuyler for posting this on facebook because it is actually my life 🙂 Completely Accurate

*If you would like a witty note left for you inquiries are welcome. However do not expect anything even close to sappy-silly-nonsense. I prefer a more sarcastic route….

So this is my brain. Beware.

Questions That I Think About on a Daily Basis (most of which are completely impossible)

  1. How absolutely amazing will it be when (notice I say when, not if….#delusional) I get two baby otters as pets and then they are best friends and we are all best friends together and I just sit and play with them and watch them and cry all day?!?!??!!?


    Is this not the most precious thing in the entire world? I am seriously getting one. or 100.

  2. What if that thing happens like in that book that I can never remember the name of that we read in school 9 million years ago and all the adults (real adults, I’m still a fake adult so I’d be good) randomly disappear and then children are ruling the world? Like I would definitely not survive. I would probably be one of the first to go right? Definitely.
  3. Can I marry my dog?


    Pretty Please?

  4. Where can I get free money?
  5.  Is there anything I can get today for free?
  6. Ok so if I can’t MARRY Sherlock, can he definitely be my best man/ring bearer/everything ever?
  7. Seriously what happened to my Hogwarts letter 14 years ago? (I have a theory but I need the truth)
  8. Why has no one revoked my speaking privileges yet? Because I really should not be allowed to talk to people. Or be in public for that matter. It’s for your own good believe me…..


    seriously, don’t let me talk to people.

  10. Why have we not invented things that I think are way more important than whatever they are inventing now? Like time machines! And flying cars! Weren’t we like promised to have those by now? Rude. Where’s my Apple iCar or something?
  11. How on earth am I related to these people? Also do I have relatives? Who knows. haha

And that is what I spend my days doing. Thinking about really irrelevant things that make absolutely no sense or are just in no way helpful at attempting to move forward in life.

Also, I’m officially 25 now, which means I’m basically 30 which is practically the same as 40 and I’m basically dead already. Sheesh.

“I can’t emphasize enough how little we thought about this”

hahaha ohhhh Parks and Recreation, such a good show. Not only is the title of this post one of many favorite lines, somehow, weirdly, I think it has become my “theme.” Which is WEIRD if you know me because the problem is usually over-thinking! But recently I have just kind of been “taking the plunge” and doing random things without much thought! Nothing crazy of course like getting married or moving to China, but little things. So far, I haven’t had too many regrets…. although I am a tad concerned about a decision I didn’t think about at all but did anyway on Friday, but I won’t know if I should regret that until Tuesday night…. so we shall see. hm. So 2014, the year I am just going to do stuff. No thinking. Unless of course thinking is necessary.

OK. So what I wanted to do was to just randomly share bits and pieces of information, some things I found funny, maybe some stock tips? (yeah right I know nothing about stocks) So here you are, a list of RANDOM INFORMATION, for probably only my reading pleasure.

1. I just can’t stop laughing at this


SO ACCURATE, except replace “Thin Mints” with “Samoas”

2. What I awkwardly vaguely referred to about a decision I did not think through at all is that I decided to join an adult coed soccer league. And my first game is Tuesday night. I always said I wanted to do an adult league of some sport but like I never found any and then even if I had I probably was going to find some way to not do it. But this just kind of fell at me, and in a moment of insanity I signed up. So, going to play soccer, which I haven’t done in years, with a bunch of strangers. Terrified might be an understatement.

3. On Friday, January 10, 2014 I officially became an old person. The following reasons will prove why.

  • I just fell over while walking and managed to twist my ankle/foot/land really hard on my back and was then unable to walk for several days (still working on it actually)
  • I ACTUALLY went out in public (I attempted to ice skate which was a really great idea because I am terrible) and found myself mumbling under my breathe, alone, by myself, about some “damn kids!” (Which honestly I don’t regret because don’t take your classroom of children ice skating if they have absolutely no idea how to behave in public. Or skate.)
  • I spent the majority of the day icing every part of my body because my whole body, just hurt. 
  • I may have argued with some poor girl over like a $1.00 price difference…

In conclusion. I’m 100 years old.

4. . A certain rabbit (who shall remain nameless and I do apologize to his owners because he can be super sweet and cute) flung a piece of his rabbit poop at me and I diagnosed him with Dissociative Identity Disorder.


Look how innocent he looks. And he is so nice when you are able to pet him, but I mean sometimes he goes a little nuts….(I still love him and I’m taking good care of him I swear!!!!)

5. Apparently, if a child is injured, they become 100000x more adorable and suddenly do the cutest things ever and want to be your best friend (and steal your dog as well…)

He took my phone and I'm not exaggerating at all but he took 149 pictures in the span of mayyyyybeeee 10 minutes.

He took my phone and I’m not exaggerating at all but he took 149 pictures in the span of mayyyyybeeee 10 minutes.

Well there you have it. I could go on, but you’d be bored by me if you aren’t already. Enjoy the last moments of the weekend! I shall be doing as little as humanly possible before the craziness that begins tomorrow…. sigh.

P.S. Also, THIS. (my friend sent me this and if something like this happened to me with a favorite book of mine I would just absolutely never stop crying of joy.)

2013: A Very Brief Review

It’s New Years Eve Day. Somehow. I don’t entirely understand how it came to be the end of 2013 but here we are and now I get to spend the next several weeks/months incorrectly writing the date on everything I do. Hooray! I am going to take a look back at 2013 and try and share some of the biggest events of the year. Trust me, they are all super exciting and thrilling and are probably mostly about books.

January: minor stop in the ER in NYC but it was totally cool because I was placed next to this famous dying lady and her whole famous family was there. Sadly, I don’t recall her last name. Also not entirely sure if she died. If not, Cheers to you Anita!


This is clearly after I had received the morphine….

February: Birthday! After a terrible string of birthdays, this one was pretty awesome thanks to some pretty awesome friends. And I got a giant teacup of hard cider which was pretty sweet.


Birthday! Allison was probably more drunk than I was….. haha

March: Ended up back where I had started the year…booo, also Spring Break For- everrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

April: Went to Rose Rock with some lovely ladies which was fun because it involved Free Stuff + Music + Sitting Outside in the sun + more free stuff!


FREE PHOTOBOOTH?!? I really really love free stuff…..

May: Finally released from Algonquin :-P, My dear friend Sarah FINALLY got engaged, discovered the deliciousness that is Crabbie’s Ginger Beer and attempted to be artistic and paint my own pair of Toms.


this was clearly prior to the start of my attempt at creativity…. minor(/major) fail.

June: Pretended I could run a 5K (note the use of the word pretended…..)


I was also pretending to be really hardcore…. also I still have fairly substantial eyebrows at this point… interesting….

…..and saw some beautiful people get married 🙂


I really liked these 🙂 so cute!!!

July: Went to Atlanta and spent like 2 hours crying at the otters at the Georgia Aquarium, and was also asked to leave on account of the fact that they were closing for the night. Rough times.

August: Got a chance to relive college in a little bit and go back to CAMP KESEM!!!!!! Although this time in Michigan! (cold).


Not only did I get to be Luna again, but I convinced many small Children I ACTUALLY went to Hogwarts. And I had this particular very exciting day where my t-shirt matched my hair bow perfectly.

September: Somehow acquired Mono. A mystery still to this day. Also no one believed me on that one for a while, so that was pretty cool…..

October: Oktoberfest, I was tricked into going to a Football game, Got really angry at a 10 year old because they write better than I do, and Halloween…..


ok to be fair…. this picture was TECHNICALLY in November, but like it was like 2 days in so basically still Oct./Halloween

November: Randomly went TO CHURCH for the first time in, oh I don’t know, 12-15 years? Totally not awkward. And spent roughly 30 hours in the car in two days with my mother on what was possibly the absolute worst car trip of my entire life. Also the only time that I was IN Richmond but did not care at all about being there.

December: ALL CHRISTMAS ALL THE TIME. Sketchily went to the Children’s section of the library and requested one, just ONE SINGULAR ticket to an afternoon Children’s puppet show (didn’t feel creepy at all), Tried to steal some adorable African Children even though they specifically said they weren’t up for adoption 😦 That was sad.


Ok seriously, they were so cute. I wanted them. There were like 4 in particular I was trying to figure out how to somehow take home with me…..

And that was 2013! Let’s see what you’ve got 2014….

Happy New Year Everyone! Be safe tonight!!!

Just Another Week…

So today is start of another week. This week though, IS a bit different. I mean it is Columbus day first of all sooo yayyy Three Day Weekend! But today, is also the start of OCD Awareness Week.

So for anyone who didn’t know, or like always kind of thought it but I never talk about it so everyone is confused… I do suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I have my entire life, starting at around 6 but it became a serious problem when I was 8.

Until two years ago, I just lived with it. It was horrible. I was constantly afraid, I missed so many opportunities because “I wasn’t allowed to”, and I felt crazy. Because no one had ever talked to me about OCD, or anxiety, or depression. All I knew, was what I had researched online. But I felt that it wasn’t an acceptable thing to talk about. So I didn’t.

In the past two years, I have met so many amazing people. People who struggle from OCD, people who help treat OCD, and people who are really trying to make aware of how awful it is to REALLY have OCD.

I’m at a place now, where I can say to practically anyone, “Yeah I have OCD.” Chances are, they will have no idea what I mean or think of me as some stereotype. But still, I have realized that it is ok to say that. I shouldn’t have to be ashamed that my brain just doesn’t work the same as everyone else’s. I’m still not really comfortable talking about it with most people, because I know it just won’t make any sense to them. But we are taking baby steps here :-).

Even though this is, “just another week” for most people, it’s really important to me. So have a great week everyone! And if you have an extra 5 minutes, maybe check out www.iocdf.org. or check out this AWESOME project that I’m dying to see the finished product http://livingwithmeandmyocd.wordpress.com/.  Or just take 1 minute and remind yourself, that OCD is not joke that people make it out to be.


Ahhh ERP… everyone’s favorite

And NOW as I just found out (see reblogged post ABOVE) I’m a finalist in the IOCDF contest they had for this week so MAYBE you should vote for “A Search for A Self and Myself” because someone kinda cool wrote it and I mean… it’s alright… 😛

Lasagna is the Reason I Have Trust Issues

Ok so it all started with an innocent day at work.

Basically so for the past couple weeks I’ve had mono. I’m telling you, its just super fun. I love not eating solid food or being able to be awake for more than like 3 hours, and not being able to talk and the feeling of knives stabbing the inside of my throat. All super great. So fun. haha I just think it is weird that I like somehow survived high school and college, never really ever got sick and I feel like thats generally when people get mono and then I like have no contact with the human world for a while and somehow get mono. I’m pretty sure I got it from my dog, cause that’s the only man I’m kissin! 😛

Anyway so for a while I was living pretty much exclusively on ice, popsicles, chicken broth, really really thin smoothies because not only did my throat basically completely close up I also weirdly wasn’t able to open my mouth? That’s not a thing. Who am I? But yeah so after a few days, I have to say, you kind of go a little bit nuts because I just wanted to like, chew on something. It was weird. Whatever. After a while my mom decided that it was time to try and incorporate some solid food. So she told me in the morning that she was going to make lasagna for dinner because she thought that might be fairly easy for me to handle. Cool. Fine by me. I like lasagna. No problem.

So quick backstory, my mom is a pretty good cook. I guess I was lucky. She has always really really enjoyed cooking which is truly beyond me because I am on the exact opposite end of that spectrum. And like for pasta and stuff she always makes homemade sauce and I’ve always liked it. Every so often she tries new recipes like every other person, whatever. I usually like it. But a couple of years ago she made this new pasta meat sauce. And I liked it, but like, my first thought when I had it was “I think there is pork in this.” More backstory, I don’t eat pork. Sometimes if I’m bored I lie and say its for some reason but its not. I just honestly don’t like any pork products. Even bacon guys. True story. So yes, I had this thought that there was pork in this new sauce, but I didn’t say anything. I stayed quiet because I thought, my own mother, would have the DECENCY to at least TELL me that there was pork in this new creation. But we all ate our pasta in silence.

Fast forward to the day of this lasagna. So my mom made the lasagna, it was like 7:00 I was exhausted because like that was late for me I was usually in bed by then. I may have been a bit ornery. I get my piece of lasagna and cut of possibly the smallest piece of a noodle ever and successfully ate it. However, on that day, I was sick of all the secrecy. Despite my ill taste buds, I could still taste that pork in the sauce. So I stood up and said something. (IMPORTANT INFO REGARDING THE FOLLOWING THE CONVERSATION: Mono had stripped me of my vocal chords and so I was literally talking maybe as loud as a whisper? And also my brother said even then I sounded like I had been deaf my whole life. So not a great voice for debate)

Me: “Mom, just tell me the truth. Is there pork in this?”

Mom: Nervously laughs and looks at my dad

Me: “I feel like I have been lied to for far to long! Just tell me!”

Dad: “I think its just beef” (ummm what on earth do you know dad? you never have made an actual meal in your life)

Mom: “Well, I don’t know, I use beef…”

Me: “Yes…. and…”

Mom: “Yes, there is A LITTLE pork in it, but its just a little and I don’t use it all the time and etc etc etc (trying to get out of this)”


Mom: “Yes, and look, you didn’t die!”

Me: “Irrelevant”


This is not actually the day of the incident. You can tell because I look like a living person and because in actuality there would have been much angry in the eyes.

So the moral of this story is that I spent the rest of my time at dinner picking out every single piece of pork I saw and politely pointing it out to my parents and felt forever betrayed.

*Also I realize I never explained how this all started with an innocent day at work, but I have decided NOT to explain this. I don’t know why. Actually yes I do, I’m still too upset about the pork incident.

And this is why I need to rethink my priorities

I am definitely not a normal person. Meaning, I think I would happily categorize myself as a nerd slash social outcast slash awkward person. I don’t know. Point is, I’m super special. I have a tattoo in Elvish on my foot. Harry Potter is the closest thing I know to religion. I have cried more over the plight of fictional characters than I ever have about anything in my own life. It upsets me that Starbucks/Barnes and Noble/other coffee places aren’t open 24/7 so I can just go there and be awesome and alone. My favorite part of school has always been buying school supplies. To this day I agonize over choosing the perfect pen and I love getting new highlighters and sharpies. Almost the entirety of my free time is spent doing research on really random topics. Or sometimes not so random (aka, I really need to move on from the otter thing but that’s never going to happen!). And of course, I’d rather go to see a show at the theater than a movie. So yes I’m a little different. But that’s how I like it. There are times however, when I realize how lame I really am sometimes. Today was one of them.

I should also mention that what occurred today has in fact happened before. Last time it was just a weird kind of awkward thing, but today I was like…. umm need to rethink some priorities here Kelly! Basically, as most of you know, the library is the best place on earth. FREE BOOKS?!?! Like are you kidding?? That is heaven. So yes, I totally take advantage of the library! I don’t know why more people don’t. Daily I think of new movies, CDs, and books that I want to check out and then I request them from the library. So my request list is usually pretty long, but because I am sadly not the most important person in the entire world, sometimes it takes a while to get what I want. Today however, the library called me because I had too many books on hold at the library and they didn’t have enough room to store them all. Again, this is not the first time this has happened to me. I think the experience is so humiliating because the library staff are totally judgmental when you get to this point. As she stood there scanning each book, she just shook her head, repeatedly saying “You’re not going to be able to do it” under her breath. And I was like Hey! Give me a chance! I mean in all reality she is probably right, I’m not going to finish all of them before they need to go back, but she could at least encourage me to try! Jerks!

The point of that randomly long and pointless little story is that if I put as much effort into something more self – improving, I would probably not be where I am right now. It seems as if my priorities and energy are being directed mostly at the library these days. And while reading is obviously great, considering the present situation, my time might be better used elsewhere. But what on earth could I do that would ever be as much fun as carrying bags of free books out of the library? Riddle me that.Imagethe above picture is of me in Hawaii on the day Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince came out, at like 7 in the morning. I did not move much that day.